Blog setup


Lucas van Walstijn


February 24, 2023

In this blog post I’ll explain how I created this blog, using Quarto and GitHub.

I’m working on a Macbook, and using VS Code for code editing. If you are on a Linux or Windows machine, be aware that things might be a bit different from what I describe here.

I am assuming you already have a GitHub account, that VS Code is installed and configured to run Python and Jupyter Notebooks.

Step 1: install Quarto

First of all you need to install Quarto, go here to download and install the software. Make sure to install the software on the machine that you are going to use for writing your blog, in my case my Macbook laptop.

Once installed you will have access to the quarto Command Line Interface (CLI). To make sure everything works as expected, open a terminal and execute:

quarto --help

This should render some outputs describing the different commands and options that are part of the Quarto CLI and shows that Quarto is installed successfully.

Step 2: create a GitHub repo

The blog will be hosted on GitHub Pages, which is a service to host a website from a GitHub repository: all the files that are needed to render your blog are stored in a GitHub repository. Based on the name you pick for your repository you will create a so-called project-website or your unique user-website. For any general repo named my-awesome-repo, the website will be hosted on https://<github-username> This is a project-websites and you can create as many as you like.

To create your user-website, the repo has to be named: <github-username> After which the website will be hosted at https://<github-username>

Since I want the blog to be my user-website I want the latter and create a new repo with the name:

I find it helpful to add a .gitignore file with a Python template, to which we can later add some more entries to facilitate storing the right files on GitHub. Also make sure that the repo is Public (and not set to Private). Additionally, I added a README file and choose the Apache2 License.

Next, I clone this repo to my machine by running:

git clone

Step 3: add a Quarto project to the repo

Next, open VS Code and open the cloned repo. Then access the VS Code terminal and run:

quarto create-project --type website:blog

This will add a number of files to our repo, which represent the basic structure of the blog. Most importantly:

  • posts: here we will create our blog entries (one subfolder per blog entry)
  • _quarto.yml: configuration file for our blog such as the theme, name, GitHub and Twitter links
  • about.qmd: source code for the “about” page.
  • index.qmd: source code for the landing page.

.qmd files are like markdown files, but with lots of additional functionality from Quarto. Go here for more information on Markdown syntax and here for Quarto Markdown

Let’s preview the blog locally:

quarto preview

Alternatively, we can install the Quarto extension in VS Code, which will show a render button in the top right corner on any opened qmd file.

To publish the current contents to GitHub pages, we can run:

quarto publish gh-pages

When doing so, we get a message that we have to change the branch from which GitHub Pages builds the site. To do this, I go to and select gh-pages instead of the main branch.

And voila, in a few moments our blog will be running live at

Step 4: Finalize set-up: GitHub Actions

When we run the quarto publish gh-pages command, Quarto processes our files and turns them into web readable files (HTML, JS, CSS etc). It stores these files in our gh-pages branch and pushes them to our remote GitHub repo. This is a very helpful command, but it means that this doesn’t store our source files on GitHub, which makes it difficult to create blog entries from multiple computers. So let’s set up a GitHub Action to build the site whenever we push our source code to the main branch.

To do so, let’s first open our .gitignore file and make sure that it contains the following entries so that we don’t check in any files we don’t need.

# Quarto

# Mac files

Next, we can commit all the remaining files to Git and push them to our remote repo. If we ever lose access to our local machine, we can restore everything we need from GitHub.


Before you continue make sure you have at least once run a quarto publish gh-pages command, this is necessary for the things below to work

Next, add the following snippet to _quarto.yml

  freeze: auto

This will make sure that GitHub actions doesn’t execute any executable code, but will show the pre-rendered outputs it finds in the _freeze folder.

Finally, create the file .github/workflows/publish.yml and populate it with the following code:

    branches: main

name: Quarto Publish

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      contents: write
      - name: Check out repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v3

      - name: Set up Quarto
        uses: quarto-dev/quarto-actions/setup@v2

      - name: Render and Publish
        uses: quarto-dev/quarto-actions/publish@v2
          target: gh-pages
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Once we push these things to GitHub, we are good to go. Whenever we push anything to the main branch, this workflow will execute and take care of updating the gh-pages branch and update the blog.